Species, a recount...

As part of the natural world, humans have always influenced their surroundings, as every other living being does. It wasn't until the last decades, a blink of an eye in geological time, that human activities -or better said, the activities of humans belonging to our culture- have become so frequent, intensive and extensive that they now affect all living beings on this planet in many ways, but mostly, in a devastating and sometimes irreversible way.

However it musn't be like this. Our way isn't the only way.

In this page you play a role in the fate of an animal species of your making. In the same way you will choose through the different options, our collective choices affect the fate of other species. Even if they, individually or together, don't make any sense at all.

First, choose a name for your species (you can invent one and it doesn't have to be in latin ;). Then select some additional information related to it. Finally press the button to read a recount about this species and its fate.

Species name:

Select which main drivers for biodiversity loss especially affect this species or its habitat:

Rate the human efforts made to preserve this species:

digital humus - growing since 2025