Sauntering in Nature
Latest NaSaun's:
In our highly technified societies most of us rush through our lives. We're always focused on a specific chore or go to a specific location with clear objectives in mind.
And while running we multi-task, solve our problems in our heads, optimize or plan the next thing or things to do. In this self imposed hurry we fail to even notice what's around us including, most in particular and at a great loss to our existence, the Natural World.
Sauntering in Nature is all the opposite: To walk in Nature, not only "in an idle or leisurely manner" and "with no specific direction in mind", as both the Merriam-Webster and Cambridge dictionaries point out; but with an open heart and curious mind to what Nature will offer us in that specific moment and our fully aware senses will pick up. This, in turn, will enrich us with experience we can reflect upon and emotions which make us feel alive.
In this section you will find my NaSauns's (short for Nature Saunters). NaSauns's are short graphical representations of a walk in nature at a specific time of year with some comments and thoughts. You can access the first NaSaun's in the box above.
NaSaun's won't work well on mobile phones as some features won't be visible. It's better to try them in a desktop computer.
I wish you a NaSaun experience full of fun and discovery and most importantly I hope it inspires you to saunter in Nature. Please feel free to drop me a comment about your experience in the guestbook.
This section will be updated as more NaSaun's are created. So you're more than welcome to come back every now and then.
As H.D. Thoreau said:
"It is a great art to saunter!"
I love to saunter in Nature and this is my contribution to this great art which I want to share with you.